Section: Reviews
Keywords: Nanotechnology; Nanomaterials; Green Environment
Subjects: Chemistry, nanomaterials
Disciplines: Chemical Sciences
Nanomaterials have various advantages, but we still do not fully understand how they can affect the environment and public health. When engineered at the nanoscale, even familiar materials such as silver may become dangerous. Certain nanomaterials may be found in nature, such as lipids present in human fat and blood and proteins carried by the blood that are vital to life. However, engineered nanomaterials are of great interest to scientists. Engineered nanomaterials have piqued the interest of scientists because they are intended for application in a wide range of consumer goods, gadgets, and constructions. Currently, engineered nanomaterials are used in the production of hundreds of everyday products, such as electronics, sporting goods, sunscreens, cosmetics, and clothes that resist stains. They work in environmental cleanup, pharmaceutical delivery, medical diagnostics, and imaging.
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