हर साल 10 फरवरी को राष्ट्रीय कृमि मुक्ति दिवस (National Deworming Day) मनाया जाता है। इस दिवस का उद्देश्य 1 से 19 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों में कृमि संक्रमण के प्रति…
Tag: General
10 Common Causes of Manuscript Rejection and How to Overcome Them
Getting a research manuscript published is a significant achievement, but rejection is an inevitable part of the process for most researchers. Understanding the most common reasons for rejection can help authors refine…
Mastering the Art of Oral Presentations: A Comprehensive Guide
Delivering an impactful oral presentation is a critical skill, whether you’re a student, researcher, educator, or professional. A great presentation not only conveys information but also captivates, inspires, and engages your audience….
Beyond Words: The Thread That Weaves Through Time
In the vast tapestry of human evolution, communication stands as perhaps our most profound achievement—not merely as a tool for daily survival, but as the very foundation upon which civilizations have built…
Beyond Words: The Thread That Weaves Through Time
In the vast tapestry of human evolution, communication stands as perhaps our most profound achievement—not merely as a tool for daily survival, but as the very foundation upon which civilizations have built…
Queering Urbanism: Insurgent Spaces in the Fight for Justice
Book Review: Queering Urbanism: Insurgent Spaces in the Fight for JusticeBy Stathis G. Yeros https://luminosoa.org/site/books/10.1525/luminos.185/download/9944/University of California Press, Oakland, California ISBN 9780520394490 (paperback) | ISBN 9780520394513 (ebook) https://doi.org/10.1525/luminos.185 In Queering Urbanism: Insurgent…